Supported Independent Living
Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a shared living experience for people with disability who have SIL funding in their NDIS plan. Supports are often 24/7, nurturing personal growth in a safe and supportive environment with the goal to build your independence at home and connect you with your local community.Accessible Angel Care provide competent staff to support participants in their Supported Independent Living. Accessible Angel Care are incorporation with the DFS.

Accessible Angel Care support the following services
Accommodation & tenancy assistance
We support, guide and undertake activities to ensure the participant obtains appropriate accommodation. Arrange for a rental tenancy and undertake tenancy obligations.
Assist life stages, transition & support
Short and long-term supports that focus on strengthening the participant’s ability to coordinate their supports. Assist the participant in their daily life at home and to participate in their community.
Daily tasks & shared living
Assistance and supervising tasks of daily life in a shared living environment, which is either temporary or ongoing, with a focus on developing the skills of each individual to live as independently as possible.
Household tasks
Help the participant to sort out any essential household tasks, which can not be performed independently; such as cleaning, gardening, cooking etc.
Assist with personal activities
Our aim is to help you with your personal activities, such as personal hygiene and grooming, toileting, moving around house, eating and use of aids and appliances.
Participation in community social & civic activities
We support participants to meet their goals in relation to participating in community, social & recreational activities.
Innovative Community Participation
We help you to build skills to actively participate in your community.
Group, centre based activities
We aim for participants to enjoy a wide range of social experiences and activities like sport, arts and craft, music and day trips. We can also help you to develop your skills.
Community nursing care for high needs
The community nursing care service provides comprehensive and person-centred care to people living at home.
Therapeutic supports
Accessible Angel Care are providers for all Allied Health such as Psychologist, Occupation Therapist, Speech Pathologist, Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiologist, Podiatrist & Dietitian.
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